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Analyzing company data

RegioGraph offers more than 100 analysis and visualization options, giving you everything you need to complete your tasks. You can import company data, such as information on customers, turnover and business locations, and then compare and analyze it. This allows you to quickly identify relationships and trends that would otherwise go unnoticed. Examples of the kinds of questions you can easily answer with RegioGraph:

  • How many customers are located within a 10 km radius of my business sites in London?
  • How much turnover is generated by my business sites in Paris compared to my sites in Berlin?
  • What share of my total turnover is generated by each of my business sites?

Particularly valuable insights emerge when you compare your company data with the provided data on potential: This allows you to determine if your turnover is good or if there is significant untapped potential. If the latter, you can pinpoint the precise areas and amounts.

RegioGraph - Analyzing company data